Sunday, March 10, 2013

VW engine

Engine showed up and looks good.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I love your Classic and your vw! I am building an Youngster V and a vw 1835cc engine. I think we may have had sme contact on a yahoo forum before. I just ordered a Slick Surplus 4220 magneto, which I can see you also have on your engine. I need to grind the impulse coupling to increase the lag for hand propping. Do you have any formula and instructions for this? I also need to turn a new magneto mount to fit the engine, do you have any pictures and dimensions of this? How is the magneto working out for you? Have you needed any spare parts yet? I guess it is not so easy to get hold of. I bought my mag on Ebay from Hooe to hear from you!
    Greetings from Anders in Sweden.
